When I was a child, I wanted to be a supreme court justice. I wanted to be a judge. Ultimately, I believe I wanted to make things 'right'...
In studying bodies, my body, I learn more about energy and how it manifests in form and physical motion. I've paid little attention to...
Hard and Soft
I feel a resistance to many things I pulled towards. What does it mean to empty? I am sorting through myself. Sometimes I make things...
My Deconstruction - Gemini Revealed
Dissolving and deconstructing is the only way I know to find me. So many layers of self-image and costumes built up to the point of...
I Love Photography
I just got back from a five week adventure in the SW. My companion and I took many photos! I not only remember how much I love...
The Water
I can sink and then float. I can pull and push anything to or from me on the waves. I can enchant anything I wish, just with the sound of...
My Belonging
My Belonging I run through the forest to the meadow. The sun is brilliant. The birds are singing. There is nothing left to bind me. In...
A Place Inside
From a place inside, I’m opening to the outside. The dam is breaking and blood flows; warm. After all my protesting and refusal, I let it...
Existence In the absence of the concept of time we are suspended. We live here always. In the place where nothing constrains us, we...
"My Journey With Zoe" is published in the current HorseConscious Digest - Click on image b
Click here or on Zoe to read our story at http://www.horseconscious.com/inspiration/my-journey-with-zoe/